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About Us

Founded in 1988, The Siouxland Initiative (TSI) is a private sector, not-for-profit regional economic development organization focused on increasing and enhancing employment opportunities in the tri-state region of Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

Dedicated to a triangulated strategy of business recruitment, business retention and the promotion of entrepreneurship, TSI works closely with the public sector economic development professionals who represent the states, municipalities, and counties that comprise our Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The public / private alliance that has been developed between TSI and the regional economic development partners has proven invaluable to Siouxland's ability to achieve our shared objectives.

TSI receives 100% of its operation budget from voluntary donations. The organization has no taxing authority and as such is totally dependent upon the financial support of our investor partners. From these investors, approximately 80% of TSI's funding comes from private sector businesses that recognize the important role the organization plays in shaping and improving the Siouxland economy and quality-of-life initiatives. The remaining 20% of TSI's funding is generated from financial commitments from our public sector partners.